Workplace Mediation

Conflict can be valuable if managed effectively and constructively, but disastrous if allowed to become heated. 3DMS provides a range of mediation services for organisations of every size, helping them resolve disagreements and points of differences, boosting morale and team cohesion.

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Return to Work Services

A licensed Comcare Provider and registered with WorkCover Queensland, 3DMind Solutions provides fully accredited and nationally recognised occupational rehabilitation services, helping your staff return to work. A comprehensive service, our program can work out from a thorough initial assessment, providing a range of counselling, training and redeployment services, alongside advice on how to set up and modify their workstation for maximum productivity.

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Injury Prevention

Are your workers your most valued asset? Then our Injury Prevention Assessments and Training will interest you. Designed and delivered by an experienced team of exercise physiologists and occupational therapists, injury prevention programs include manual handling instruction, functional capacity assessments and ergonomic workstation evaluations, helping you better understand your staff, your workplace and how best the two can work together.

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Seminars & Training

3DMS helps businesses get more out of their staff, providing a range of training programs, workshops and seminars designed to help your employees develop into a more effective, cohesive and successful team. From team building and vitality sessions to resilience boosting and safer manual handling, we run a range of stress management seminars and skills workshops tailored to suit your precise needs.

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  • Licensed Comcare Rehabilitation Provider
  • Member, Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association (ARPA)
  • Associate Member, Association of Self Insured Employers of Queensland (ASIEQ)

Awarded Selected Provider

20 Queensland State Government Departments – Workplace Health Services SOA

30 Commonwealth Agencies – Occupational Rehabilitation Services SOA (ORAMS)

WorkCover Queensland – Return to Work Services Panel

Office of Industrial Relations (Qld) – Mentally Healthy Workplaces Workshop